Solving “TextField Inside of Row Causes Layout Exception” in Flutter


Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful and performant cross-platform applications, provides developers with a rich set of widgets to create interactive user interfaces. However, working with complex layouts can sometimes lead to unexpected errors, such as the infamous “TextField inside of Row causes layout exception.” In this blog post, we will explore the issue, understand why it occurs, and discuss effective solutions to overcome it.

Understanding the Problem:

The layout exception occurs when a TextField widget is directly placed inside a Row widget. The Row widget arranges its children horizontally, attempting to allocate the available space evenly among them. On the other hand, the TextField widget requires unlimited horizontal space to accommodate user input. This conflicting requirement causes a layout exception, preventing the app from rendering correctly.

Why Does the Exception Occur?

To understand why the exception occurs, we need to examine how the Row and TextField widgets handle constraints. When the Row widget attempts to allocate horizontal space to its children, it imposes constraints on each child’s width. However, the TextField widget’s intrinsic width depends on the available space, which can’t be determined without imposing constraints. This circular dependency results in the layout exception.


There are several ways to solve the “TextField inside of Row causes layout exception” issue. Let’s explore some of the effective solutions:

1. Wrap TextField with Expanded widget:

One straightforward solution is to wrap the TextField widget with an Expanded widget. The Expanded widget allows its child to occupy any remaining space in the Row. By doing so, the TextField will no longer attempt to expand infinitely, resolving the layout exception.

  children: [
      child: TextField(
        // TextField properties
    // Other widgets in the Row

2. Use Flexible widget:

Similar to Expanded, the Flexible widget can also be used to solve the layout exception. The Flexible widget provides more fine-grained control over how space is distributed among its children.

  children: [
      child: TextField(
        // TextField properties
    // Other widgets in the Row

3. Wrap TextField with a SizedBox:

Another solution is to wrap the TextField widget with a SizedBox and provide a specific width or a FractionallySizedBox with a width factor. This approach explicitly defines the width of the TextField, avoiding the conflicting constraints within the Row.

  children: [
      width: 200, // or any desired width
      child: TextField(
        // TextField properties
    // Other widgets in the Row

Use a Container with constraints:

Wrapping the TextField with a Container and providing explicit constraints, such as a fixed width or maximum width, can also solve the layout exception.

  children: [
      constraints: BoxConstraints(
        maxWidth: 200, // or any desired width
      child: TextField(
        // TextField properties
    // Other widgets in the Row


The “TextField inside of Row causes layout exception” issue is a common hurdle faced by Flutter developers. However, with the solutions discussed in this blog post, you can effectively resolve this problem and continue building beautiful and responsive UIs. Remember to choose the solution that best suits your layout requirements. Flutter’s flexible widget system offers multiple approaches to overcome layout exceptions and ensures smooth development experiences for creating cross-platform applications.

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